How to File a Travel Insurance Claim
We have all had travel mishaps and at some point you will need to file a travel insurance claim. Issues include your luggage being lost or a storm that puts your flight in jeopardy. This is why I’m such a big supporter of travel insurance. When you’re traveling, there are so many things that can go wrong.

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If you’re interested in seeing what travel insurance actually covers for your specific trip, get a free travel insurance quote.
And check out my post on how I recommend purchasing travel insurance. I walk you step by step through the process.
Have you already bought travel insurance? Are you curious about how to file a claim if something happens?
Before Filing the Claim
Keep good records of the situation. If your luggage has been damaged, take photos of the damage. Was your luggage lost completely? Keep the emails or other communication from the airline that lost your luggage.
Did a storm force the airline to cancel your flight? Keep good records of the storm and the date it took place. Also keep a record of the emails from the airline. These emails may include any travel credits for future travel due to the cancellation. This will be helpful later on when you will need to file the travel insurance claim.
Filing the Claim
Many times you will file the travel insurance claim through the travel insurance carrier’s website. Answer all required questions and give them a good idea of your reason for filing the claim. They will usually ask for supporting documents to help process your claim. This is why it is so important to keep good records before you file your claim.
They will email you to confirm they have received your claim and provide you with a claim number.

The Waiting Game
The time between filing the claim and receiving compensation can vary. I looked up old emails to help write this post, to give you an idea. On October 24, 2022 I submitted a claim. I was still emailing back and forth with the travel insurance carrier in January 2023.
It can take time for the claim to be analyzed. You may be asked to provide additional documentation. Keep this in mind and submit your travel insurance claim shortly after you return from your trip. The longer you wait to submit the claim, the longer you will wait to receive compensation.
The Decision
Generally speaking, you expect your travel insurance claim to be accepted and to receive compensation from the travel insurance carrier. In rare circumstances, the travel insurance carrier may decide you were not covered. This means you will not receive compensation.
When purchasing travel insurance, read your coverage documents carefully. This will prevent you from being denied compensation after an incident.
I hope this post was helpful. If you are interested in purchasing travel insurance, feel free to use my link for a free travel instance quote.