Destinations North America

Hiking at Indian Well State Park

Hiking is a great social distanced fall activity! I went to the Indian Well State Park to go hiking with some friends. This state park is located in Shelton, Connecticut. I talked a little bit about it in my Fairfield County staycation post.


The location is great. There is a beach. There are hiking trails. But this trip wasn’t about the beach. It was about getting back into hiking.


The Beach


That’s it for the beach pics. After I left the beach it was time for hiking! The Paugusset Trail was our first stop. The trail started with these steps. They started us off easy.

The Trail

I was looking forward to seeing The Falls at the end of the trail. Now I look at this picture of a sign describing the trail (below). It shows that this is clearly not the way to the falls. I was misled.

The whole trail had green markers to guide you in the right direction. All the trails were color-coded.

This trail is not very difficult. I do suggest that you are steady on your feet. I slipped a few times and needed to hold on to someone or something. (My pictures are very misleading. There are no photos of the harder areas. I was just trying not to fall, let alone take a picture.) A few people used walking sticks. I do think the next time I go hiking I will use a walking stick.


The picture below shows a traditional New England wall. New England is famous for walls like these. The walls are made without mortar. They have nothing to stick the stones together. Stones lay on top of each other and don’t fall.


Lot of trees had fallen through the trail. The park was really good as far as cutting them. That way you could walk through or around them. No big obstacles were there to make it too challenging.

Little streams passed through the trail. Seeing the reflections of the trees in them was really beautiful. Keep scrolling for more shots of the trail.


My favorite part had to be just hiking with my friends. I hadn’t seen a lot of them in a long time. Nature and being with people I care about; What more can you ask for?

Checkout my other Staycation posts here:

St. Mary’s by the Sea- Black Rock

Fairfield Museum and History Center

Fairfield County, Connecticut Fall Staycation Itinerary

Seaside Park in Connecticut

Captain’s Cove Seaport


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